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Rules of the SPA-complex

Rules of the SPA-complex

Opening hours of the swimming pool, jacuzzi and baths: daily from 9:00 a.m. to 21:00 p.m. (prior registration is required for visiting SPA after 19:00 p.m.).

  • You can be in bathing suits, robes and special shoes (flip-flops, beach or bath slippers) near the swimming pool. On the remaining territory of the SunRay Hotel Complex, you are requested to observe a casual dress code.
  • Before visiting the swimming pools, you have to take a shower, and also refrain from using creams, ointments, perfumes and other cosmetics.
  • Do not use aromatic oils and scrubs in baths and saunas.
  • Children are recommended to stay in the pool for not longer than 30 minutes and to take breaks between swimming and having a meal.

The following things are prohibited on the territory of the SunRay SPA complex:

  • To be drunk, under the influence of narcotic, psychotropic substances or illegal medications.
  • To bring food, drinks, weapons, explosive, flammable, toxic substances, as well as piercing and cutting objects.
  • To bring a pet into the territory.
  • To smoke outside designated areas.
  • In swimming pools: keep a person under water, jump and dive from sides of the pool, as well as eat and drink.
  • To stay in the pool having open wounds, infectious, skin and other types of diseases, as well as having medical bandages and adhesive plasters.
  • To swim with your hair loose.
  • Throw foreign objects into the water, leave equipment in the pools.
  • Take photos or video film without prior agreement with the administration.

The administration of the SunRay SPA complex is not responsible for:

  • injuries, damage, material, moral damage that were caused to the guest as a result of his failure to comply with these rules or generally accepted safety standards.
  • the belongings of the guests that were left unattended.

Adults accompanying the children are responsible for their life and health on the territory of the complex.

Guests are also responsible for damage to the property of the SPA complex, as well as for causing moral damage to other visitors and staff.

The administration reserves the right to refuse to visit the SPA Complex to guests who violate public order and generally accepted norms of behavior, without any refund.
